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1. A state of distress, affliction, difficulty, or need: tried to console them in their trouble; got in trouble with the police.

2. A distressing or difficult circumstance or situation: I've had troubles ever since I took this job.

3. A cause or source of distress, disturbance, or difficulty: The new recruits were a trouble to him.

4. Effort, especially when inconvenient or bothersome: went to a lot of trouble to find this book.

5. A condition of pain, disease, or malfunction: heart trouble; car trouble.

a. Public unrest or disorder.

b. An instance of this; a disturbance.

c.Troubles Any of various conflicts or rebellions in Ireland or Northern Ireland, especially the period of social unrest in Northern Ireland beginning in 1969.

1. To afflict with pain or discomfort: My stomach is troubling me.

a. To cause to be anxious or worried: was troubled by the decline in sales.

b. To cause to have emotional or mental problems that interfere with social functioning: a teenager who is troubled and needs help.

3. To inconvenience; bother: May I trouble you for directions?

4. To agitate; stir up: winds troubling the waters.

To take pains: They trouble over every detail.

[Middle English, from Old French, from troubler. to trouble. from Vulgar Latin *turbulāre. alteration (influenced by Latin turbula. small group. diminutive of turba. crowd ) of Late Latin turbidāre. from Latin turbidus. confused ; see turbid .]

Synonyms:trouble, ail, distress, worry
These verbs mean to cause anxious uneasiness in: His behavior troubles his parents. What problems are ailing you? The bad news distressed us. Her high fever worries the doctor.

1. a state or condition of mental distress or anxiety

2. a state or condition of disorder or unrest: industrial trouble.

3. a condition of disease, pain, or malfunctioning: she has liver trouble.

4. a cause of distress, disturbance, or pain; problem: what is the trouble.

5. effort or exertion taken to do something: he took a lot of trouble over this design.

6. liability to suffer punishment or misfortune (esp in the phrase be in trouble ): he's in trouble with the police.

7. a personal quality that is regarded as a weakness, handicap, or cause of annoyance: his trouble is that he's too soft.

8. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) (plural )

a. political unrest or public disturbances

b.the Troubles political violence in Ireland during the 1920s or in Northern Ireland between the late 1960s and the late 1990s

9. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) the Troubles political violence in Ireland during the 1920s or in Northern Ireland between the late 1960s and the late 1990s

10. the condition of an unmarried girl who becomes pregnant (esp in the phrase in trouble )

11. (tr ) to cause trouble to; upset, pain, or worry

12. (usually with a negative and foll by: about ) to put oneself to inconvenience; be concerned: don't trouble about me.

13. (intr; usually with a negative ) to take pains; exert oneself: please don't trouble to write everything down.

14. (tr ) to cause inconvenience or discomfort to: does this noise trouble you.

15. (tr; usually passive ) to agitate or make rough: the seas were troubled.

16. (tr ) Caribbean to interfere with: he wouldn't like anyone to trouble his new bicycle.

[C13: from Old French troubler. from Vulgar Latin turbulāre (unattested), from Late Latin turbidāre. from turbidus confused, from turba commotion]


1. to disturb the mental calm and contentment of; worry; distress: The sufferings of the poor troubled him.

2. to put to inconvenience, exertion, pains, or the like: May I trouble you to shut the door?

3. to cause bodily pain or discomfort to; afflict: to be troubled by arthritis.

4. to annoy, vex, or bother.

5. to disturb or agitate so as to make turbid, as water.

6. to put oneself to inconvenience, extra effort, or the like.

7. to be distressed; worry.

8. difficulty, annoyance, or harassment: to make trouble for someone.

9. an unfortunate or distressing position, circumstance, or occurrence: financial trouble.

10. civil disorder, disturbance, or conflict.

11. a physical disease, ailment, etc. heart trouble.

12. mental or emotional distress; worry.

13. effort or inconvenience in accomplishing some action, deed, etc. not worth the trouble.

14. an objectionable feature; drawback: the trouble with the proposal.

15. a cause or source of disturbance, annoyance, etc.

16. a mechanical defect or breakdown: trouble with the washing machine.

a. the violence and civil war in Ireland, 1920–22.

b. the conflict between Protestants and Catholics in Northern Ireland, beginning in 1969.

in trouble, pregnant out of wedlock (used as a euphemism).

[1175–1225; Middle English (v.) < Old French troubler < Vulgar Latin *turbulare, derivative of *turbulus turbid, alter. of Latin turbulentus turbulent ]

1.used as an uncountable noun

Trouble is most commonly an uncountable noun. If something causes you trouble. you have difficulty dealing with it.

The weather was causing more trouble than the enemy.

This would save everyone a lot of trouble .

You can say that someone has trouble doing something.

Did you have any trouble finding your way here?

Be Careful!
Don't say ' Did you have any trouble to find your way here? '

Your troubles are the problems in your life.

It helps me forget my troubles and relax.

Be Careful!
You don't usually refer to a single problem as 'a trouble'.

If a particular aspect of something is causing problems, you can refer to this as the trouble .

It's getting a bit expensive now, that's the trouble .

The trouble is there's a shortage of suitable property.

Past participle: troubled
Gerund: troubling

trouble - a source of difficulty; "one trouble after another delayed the job"; "what's the problem?"

difficulty - a factor causing trouble in achieving a positive result or tending to produce a negative result; "serious difficulties were encountered in obtaining a pure reagent"

pressure point - where problems or difficulties are likely to occur; "a key pressure point in the controversy was the building permit"

can of worms - a source of unpredictable trouble and complexity

growing pains - problems that arise in enlarging an enterprise (especially in the early stages)

hydra - trouble that cannot be overcome by a single effort because of its many aspects or its persistent and pervasive quality; "we may be facing a hydra that defies any easy solution"

matter - a problem; "is anything the matter?"

trouble - an angry disturbance; "he didn't want to make a fuss"; "they had labor trouble"; "a spot of bother"

disturbance. perturbation - activity that is a malfunction, intrusion, or interruption; "the term `distress' connotes some degree of perturbation and emotional upset"; "he looked around for the source of the disturbance"; "there was a disturbance of neural function"

trouble - an event causing distress or pain; "what is the trouble?"; "heart trouble"

misfortune. bad luck - unnecessary and unforeseen trouble resulting from an unfortunate event

affliction - a cause of great suffering and distress

convulsion - a physical disturbance such as an earthquake or upheaval

embarrassment - some event that causes someone to be embarrassed; "the outcome of the vote was an embarrassment for the liberals"

blaze. hell - a cause of difficulty and suffering; "war is hell"; "go to blazes"

onslaught - a sudden and severe onset of trouble

interference. noise. disturbance - electrical or acoustic activity that can disturb communication

trouble - an effort that is inconvenient; "I went to a lot of trouble"; "he won without any trouble"; "had difficulty walking"; "finished the test only with great difficulty"

elbow grease. exertion. effort. travail. sweat - use of physical or mental energy; hard work; "he got an A for effort"; "they managed only with great exertion"

the devil - something difficult or awkward to do or deal with; "it will be the devil to solve"

tsuris - (Yiddish) aggravating trouble; "the frustrating tsuris he subjected himself to"

trouble - a strong feeling of anxiety; "his worry over the prospect of being fired"; "it is not work but worry that kills"; "he wanted to die and end his troubles"

anxiety - a vague unpleasant emotion that is experienced in anticipation of some (usually ill-defined) misfortune

trouble - an unwanted pregnancy; "he got several girls in trouble"

maternity. pregnancy. gestation - the state of being pregnant; the period from conception to birth when a woman carries a developing fetus in her uterus

trouble - move deeply; "This book upset me"; "A troubling thought"

jolt - disturb (someone's) composure; "The audience was jolted by the play"

cark. disorder. disquiet. perturb. unhinge. distract. trouble - disturb in mind or make uneasy or cause to be worried or alarmed; "She was rather perturbed by the news that her father was seriously ill"

impress. strike. affect. move - have an emotional or cognitive impact upon; "This child impressed me as unusually mature"; "This behavior struck me as odd"

distress - cause mental pain to; "The news of her child's illness distressed the mother"

trouble - to cause inconvenience or discomfort to; "Sorry to trouble you, but. "

distress. straiten - bring into difficulties or distress, especially financial hardship

trouble - disturb in mind or make uneasy or cause to be worried or alarmed; "She was rather perturbed by the news that her father was seriously ill"

vex. worry - disturb the peace of mind of; afflict with mental agitation or distress; "I cannot sleep--my daughter's health is worrying me"

trouble - take the trouble to do something; concern oneself; "He did not trouble to call his mother on her birthday"; "Don't bother, please"

strain. strive. reach - to exert much effort or energy; "straining our ears to hear"

trouble - cause bodily suffering to and make sick or indisposed

hurt - give trouble or pain to; "This exercise will hurt your back"

recrudesce. break out. erupt - become raw or open; "He broke out in hives"; "My skin breaks out when I eat strawberries"; "Such boils tend to recrudesce"

(= bother, effort) → Mühe f ; it’s no trouble (at all)! → das mache ich doch gern ; thank you — (it was) no trouble → vielen Dank — (das ist) gern geschehen ; it’s no trouble to do it properly → man kann es genauso gut ordentlich machen ; it’s not worth the trouble → das ist nicht der Mühe wert ; she’s/it’s more trouble than she’s/it’s worth → sie/es macht mehr Ärger or Umstände als sie/es wert ist ; nothing is too much trouble for her → nichts ist ihr zu viel ; to go to the trouble (of doing something), to take the trouble (to do something) → sich (dat) → die Mühe machen (, etw zu tun) ; to go to/to take a lot of trouble (over or with something) → sich (dat) → (mit etw) viel Mühe geben ; you have gone to a lot of trouble over the food → Sie haben sich (dat) → solche Umstände mit dem Essen gemacht ; he went to enormous trouble → er hat alles nur Erdenkliche getan ; to put somebody to the trouble of doing something → jdn bemühen. etw zu tun ; to put somebody to a lot of trouble → jdm viel Mühe machen

(= nuisance) to be a trouble (to somebody) → (jdm) Mühe machen ; (dependent person also) → (jdm) zur Last fallen ; the child is nothing but trouble to his parents → das Kind macht seinen Eltern nur Sorgen ; he’s been no trouble at all (of child) → er war ganz lieb

(= unrest, upheaval) → Unruhe f ; labour (Brit) or labor (US) trouble s → Arbeiterunruhen pl ; there’s trouble at the factory/in Iran → in der Fabrik /im Iran herrscht Unruhe ; he caused/made trouble between them → er hat Unruhe zwischen ihnen gestiftet ? stir up

(= bother) → bemühen. belästigen ; I’m sorry to trouble you, but could you tell me if … → entschuldigen Sie die Störung. aber könnten Sie mir sagen. ob … ; may I trouble you for a light? → darf ich Sie um Feuer bitten. ; will it trouble you if I smoke? → stört es Sie, wenn ich rauche. ; I shan’t trouble you with the details → ich werde Ihnen die Einzelheiten ersparen ; we are trouble d with mice just now → wir werden zurzeit von Mäusen geplagt ; I’ll trouble you to remember who you’re speaking to! (iro) → würden Sie bitte daran denken. mit wem Sie sprechen.

(= take the trouble) to trouble to do something → sich bemühen. etw zu tun ; please don’t trouble yourself → bitte bemühen Sie sich nicht ; don’t trouble to write until you’ve settled down → schreib erst, wenn du dich eingelebt hast ; if you had trouble d to ask, you might have found out the truth → wenn du dir die Mühe gemacht und gefragt hättest, hättest du wahrscheinlich die Wahrheit erfahren ; oh, don’t trouble to apologize! (iro) → bemüh dich nicht. dich zu entschuldigen

b. (bother, effort ) → sforzo ; (worry ) → preoccupazione f
it's no trouble (offering help ) → non è un problema
it's no trouble! (accepting thanks ) → di niente!
it's not worth the trouble → non vale la pena
to go to (all) the trouble of doing sth, take the trouble to do sth → darsi la pena di fare qc

b. (bother, be nuisance to ) → disturbare
I'm sorry to trouble you → mi dispiace disturbarla
I shan't trouble you with all the details → non starò ad annoiarla con tutti i particolari
please don't trouble yourself → non si disturbi

c. (+ infin, make the effort ) to trouble to do sth → darsi la pena di fare qc

1. (something which causes) worry, difficulty, work, anxiety etc. He never talks about his troubles; We've had a lot of trouble with our children; I had a lot of trouble finding the book you wanted. gesukkel قَلَق، تَعَب грижа problema potíž, trápení die Mühe problem; besvær φασαρία. μπελάς. κόπος problema raskus, mure مشکل؛ نگرانی vaikeudet problème צרות. בעיה परेशानी poteškoća, briga baj kesulitan erfiðleikar problema 苦労 어려움 rūpestis, vargas nepatikšanas; rūpes; raizes; grūtības kesusahan; kepayahan zorg vanskelighet. problem. bryderi zmartwienie. fatyga, kłopot ستونزه ، نګرانی problema necaz, problemă неприятность ; хлопоты ťažkosť, starosť, trápenie težava nezgoda besvär, möda, bekymmer ปัญหา dert. sıkıntı. sorun 煩惱,麻煩,困難,造成麻煩的事,帶來煩惱的事,帶來困難的事 турбота, клопіт پريشاني điều rắc rối 烦恼,麻烦,费事,纠纷

2. disturbances; rebellion, fighting etc. It occurred during the time of the troubles in Cyprus. gevegte إضْطِرابات безредици conflitos nepokoje die Unruhen(pl.) problem ταραχή. φασαρία disturbios, conflictos; altercados rahutused آشوب levottomuudet troubles מְהוּמוֹת तकलीफ nemir, pobuna zavargás kerusuhan víðsjár, átök tumulto 争い 내분, 소동, 분규 neramumai nemieri; sacelšanās; jukas kekacauan onlusten uro. bråk zamieszki خطر conflitos tul­bu­rări беспорядки nepokoje nemiri nemir oro, orolighet การบกวน kargaşa. karışıklık 動亂 заворушення; хвилювання بلوہ bạo lực, nổi loạn 动乱

3. illness or weakness (in a particular part of the body). He has heart trouble. moeilikheid, siekte عِلَّه، مَرَض заболяване problema potíže das Leiden problem; -problem; besvær; -besvær ενόχληση. πάθηση problema. enfermedad häda عیب؛ نارسایی vaiva maladie מחלה अशान्ति bolest, tegoba betegség gangguan veikindi problema 病気 병 negalavimas, susirgimas, liga kaite; vaina masalah kwaal plage. sykdom. skavank dolegliwość عیب، خطا problema boală недуг ; болезнь ťažkosť, choroba težave problem sjukdom, ont, besvär ความเจ็บป่วย; ความอ่อนแอ (เฉพาะส่วนในร่างกาย) hastalık. rahatsızlık 疾病,虛弱 хвороба بيماري، کمزوري bệnh, ốm 疾病

1. to cause worry, anger or sadness to. She was troubled by the news of her sister's illness. kwel يُقْلِق، يُزْعِج، يَنْزَعِج безпокоя (се) perturbar znepokojit beunruhigen bekymre ανησυχώ. στενοχωρώ afligir ; inquietar, preocupar muret tegema نگران کردن؛ آزار دادن huolestuttaa troubler לְהַטרִיד परेशान करना uznemiriti, uzrujati aggaszt mengganggu valda áhyggjum/reiði/ama turbare 悩ませる 괴롭히다 sujaudinti, (kam) sukelti nerimą uztraukt; sagādāt rūpes/pūles mengganggu verontrusten bekymre. uroe zmartwić ځورول perturbar a tulbura тревожить znepokojiť (sa), trápiť (sa) vznemiriti uznemiriti se oroa, bekymra, plåga, besvära ทำให้ไม่สบายใจ üzmek, canını sıkmak 使憂心,惹惱,憂慮 турбувати(ся), хвилювати(ся) تکليف دينا làm phiền 使烦恼,忧虑

2. used as part of a very polite and formal request. May I trouble you to close the window? pla, vra تُسْتَعْمَل في جُمْلَة الطَّلَب المُهَذَّب бихте ли incomodar obtěžovat bemühen ulejlige ενοχλώ. βάζω στον κόπο molestar ; ¿sería tan amable de. tülitama به زحمت انداختن vaivata déranger לְהַטרִיד, לְהַפרִיע नम्रता पूर्वक निवेदन करना smetati zavar merepotkan trufla, ónáða disturbare わずらわせる (장중한 표현에서) 폐를 끼치다 paprašyti, sutrukdyti Vai drīkstu jums lūgt. mengganggu mogen vragen bry en med. uleilige fatygować. niepokoić په ستونزه کی اچول incomodar a de­ranja беспокоить ; затруднять obťažovať nadlegovati uznemiriti besvära, be รบกวน rahatsız etmek. zahmete sokmak 麻煩某人代為做某事(客氣用語) вживається у ввічливому проханні زحمت دينا làm phiền (表示客气时用语)麻烦

3. to make any effort. He didn't even trouble to tell me what had happened. moeite doen يُزْعِجُ نَفْسَه، يَبذُل جُهْدا опитвам се dar-se ao incômodo obtěžovat se sich bemühen ulejlige μπαίνω στον κόπο, σκοτίζομαι molestarse. tomarse la molestia vaevuma زحمت کشیدن vaivautua se donner la peine de לִטרוֹחַ कष्ट उठाना potruditi se veszi magának a fáradságot repot-repot hafa fyrir (að gera e-ð) disturbarsi 手数をかける 일부러 (

)하다 stengtis, rūpintis papūlēties; pacensties cuba utk moeite doen bry seg med. ta seg tid til pofatygować się زیارایستل dar-se ao incómodo a-şi da oste­neala потрудиться obťažovať sa potruditi se potruditi se göra sig besvär พยายาม zahmet etmek. zahmete girmek (常用於否定句)使煩惱,費心 трудитися, намагатися زحمت اٹھانا cố gắng (常用于否定句)使烦恼,费心

1. worried or anxious. He is obviously a troubled man. bekommerd قَلِق، مُنْزَعِج притеснен perturbado ustaraný geplagt bekymret προβληματισμένος. ανήσυχος preocupado. inquieto murelik نگران huolestunut préoccupé מוטרד चिंतित, उत्सुक zabrinut, tjeskoban nyugtalan khawatir áhyggjufullur preoccupato 悩んでいる 어수선한 prislėgtas rūpesčių norūpējies; uztraucies susah hati bezorgd bekymret. engstelig zmartwiony. niespokojny اندیښمن perturbado preocupat беспокойный ustaraný zaskrbljen uznemiren orolig, bekymrad ที่วิตกกังวล kederli, üzgün 憂心忡忡的 занепокоєний; стривожений پريشان، متفکر phiền phức 忧虑的

2. disturbed and not peaceful. troubled sleep. rusteloos غَيْر هادِئ непокоен perturbado neklidný unruhig urolig ανήσυχος. ταραγμένος agitado rahutu آشفته levoton agité מוטרד चिंतित, शांत uznemiren, nemiran zaklatott gelisah ókyrr, óvær agitato 不安な 불안정한 neramus nemierīgs; satraukts terganggu onrustig urolig niespokojny مړاوی perturbado agitat тревожный nepokojný nemiren nemiran orolig, ängslig ที่กระวนกระวาย sıkıntılı, sorunlu 紛亂的,不安的,焦慮不安的 неспокійний; штормовий بے سکون khó chịu 纷乱的,不安的

causing worry or difficulty. troublesome children/tasks. moeisaam مُزْعِج، مُقْلِق обезпокоителен incomodo obtížný beschwerlich besværlig ενοχλητικός. δύσκολος. προβληματικός molesto ; problemático, difícil tülikas, raske پر دردسر vaivalloinen pénible מַטרִיד दुखदायी zabrinjavajući fárasztó merepotkan þungbær, erfiður fastidioso わずらわしい 귀찮은, 성가신 sukeliantis daug rūpesčių, neramus, varginantis nemierīgs; traucējošs; apgrūtinošs menyusahkan lastig vanskelig. brysom. plagsom nieznośny. kłopotliwy له سردردی نه ډک incomodativo care îţi creează probleme, care îţi dă dureri de cap трудный neposlušný; ťažký težaven problematičan besvärande, krånglig, bråkig ยากลำบาก baş belâsı, musibet 惹事生非的 той, що завдає турботи; неспокійний پريشان کن gây phiền 令人讨厌的,引起麻烦的

a person who continually (and usually deliberately) causes worry, difficulty or disturbance to other people. Beware of her – she is a real troublemaker. moeilikheidmaker مُثير المَتاعِب، مُحَرِّض على الشَّغَب размирник gerador de conflitos zdroj potíží der/die Unruhestifter(in) urostifter ταραχοποιός. μπελαλής alborotador tülin, kiusukott آدم فتنه انگیز häirikkö fauteur/-trice de troubles עוֹשֶה צָרוֹת उपद्रवी, कन्टक izgrednik bajkeverő perusuh vandræðagemlingur, friðarspillir piantagrane もめ事を起す人 말썽을 일으키는 사람 kiršintojas, vaidininkas nemiera cēlējs org yg suka membuat kacau lastpost bråkmaker. urostifter intrygant. wichrzyciel چالاک او فتنه یی انسان gerador de conflitos persoană care aduce necazuri/care tulbură liniştea (pu­blică) склочник príčina starostí / ťažkostí; burič povzročitelj težav kavgadžija orosstiftare, bråkmakare ผู้ก่อปัญหา sürekli sorun yaratan kimse, ortalık karıştırıcı 搗亂者,惹事生非者 порушник спокою; баламут پريشاني پيدا کرنے والا người gây ra vấn đề 捣乱者,惹事生非者

n. aflicción, calamidad, problema;

What is the trouble? → ¿Qué sucede? ¿qué pasa? ;

We used to be faithful about it, but since Father went away and all this war trouble unsettled us, we have neglected many things.

They both expected her to make trouble but were mistaken.

To save you the trouble of wading through a lot of scientific detail, which I know you don't care about, I'll tell you that the story is about a queer idol of solid gold, weighing many pounds, and, in consequence, of great value.

Other bachelor homesteaders used canned milk, to save trouble .

The trouble is," sighed the Doctor, grasping her meaning intuitively, "that youth is given up to illusions.

When we was three or four hundred yards down- stream we see the lantern show like a little spark at the texas door for a second, and we knowed by that that the rascals had missed their boat, and was beginning to understand that they was in just as much trouble now as Jim Turner was.

There's one thing: though the boys call her handsome, you notice they don't trouble her with much attention.

It will make no difference if you do, in the gratitude I shall always feel for the trouble you took with me when I was a little girl.

I should never have got into that trouble if I'd been true to you--if I hadn't been a fool.

And if you don't help the other animals now, the lions may find themselves left all alone when THEY are in trouble .

But she was not altogether easy to bring up, and gave her parents much trouble and anxiety, for all summer she insisted on spending in the cellar, and in the winter she would sleep outside in the snow, and the colder it was the happier she seemed to be.

Why then not set our hearts at rest, ceasing to trouble whether we remain or go?